Prescience: knowledge of things before they exist or happen; foreknowledge; foresight.
Will this octopus grant you Prescience? Perhaps. Will you see events unfold into your mind before they happen in the world around you? Perhaps not entirely, but what this uniquely crafted worry stone will do, is let your mind relax into a meditative state of being. Allowing you to have a calm mind, open to the influence of the universe. Thanks to the raised artwork of the mystical octopus, you will enjoy a subtle rippling tactile sensation. On the back side, with only a small makers mark, you can enjoy a smooth polished surface, like a smooth concave river rock.
Prescience is the companion to the person who loves the mysterious and beguiling octopus, the person who loves having something to occupy their hands to calm their mind, or the person who likes a little art to carry with them. This worry coin is made of brass, a warm metal that has the ability to take on a unique patina over time
-Engraved in the US
-Designed in the US
-Weighs about 1.7oz
-Diameter 1.35"
-Solid machined brass
-Exclusively made for Tyler Wolf by Umburry