Behold the mighty helm of the fearsome Berserker! First of it's kind and first in my Dungeon Class series. Laser engraved and hand polished, this coin will serve you well on your pillages, quests, and adventures. Designed on the brand new and exclusive Umburry Hex coin, it features tactile surfaces that almost come to life in your hand.
Dive into the lore engraved into the smallest details, from the two Ouroboros slithering around the coin's surface, tiny ravens representing Odin's wisdom, mighty battle axes, Celtic knots, and the scourge of the ancient world; the Viking sword. When flipped, one side will lead you to glory, the other side your doom. Fear not though, with bravery and strength, another flip of the coin might be all you need.
The coin itself is 34 grams of quality brass. Refer to the product images for dimensions and specs.
*Preorder only* Your coin will be made after your preorder and mailed within 2-3 weeks of purchase. Preorders will be open until 5/19/21. Due to the exclusive nature of the coin, supplies are very limited. As a bonus for preordering, each coin will be shipped with a sticker of the artwork. All coins will also have a certificate of authenticity.