I present a special version of the radical retro gaming Pac-nut. It started off as a blank brass donut, then a laser power blasted game onto the Pac-nut. To make it extra awesome, it was finished in a very special way, not polished on a wheel, but blasted all over with Zirblast! Its a slightly matte look, giving it a softer and very durable finish, perfect for your pocket. After the Zirblast, I treated it for a darker look and the Dark Zirblast Pac-nut was born.
Did you every go to the arcade at the bowling alley when you were a kid? It was hazy from the cigarette smoke drafting over from the bowling leagues lanes. The smell of burnt fries and greasy hamburgers hung around like a comforting blanket. Kids were gathered around every arcade game, waiting to see if the current player would get the high score to achieve glory or perish in disappointment. It was loud, chaotic, and full of flashing lights. Mostly from the older kids who hogged to good pinball games.
When I would go with my family, my dad would give use a handful of quarters to use sparingly. My brother would play the Aerosmith game that used machine guns are the controllers, I would make my way to the Pac-Man arcade. The line for that one moved quick. Getting chased by the ghosts and grabbing a power dot to turn on them and eat them was definitely a thrill of satisfaction. Radical times.
Pac-Man is now 42 years young. What a freaking legend.
This TiNutz is high grade brass. Engraved with Pac-Man eating his way through the maze, chased by the ghosts on one side. The backside features the main characters slightly raised for a tactile feel, everything hand polished and chemically aged.
- An amazing piece of metal that measures 1.16" diameter x .42" thick, high grade brass.
- Use as a worry stone
- Makes a great lanyard bead
- Wear as a pendant
- Collaboration with Umburry and Metal Morphosis, the TiNutz crew.